People often consider cross stitch to be a complicated craft.
However, It is in fact incredibly easy to get started, as there
are only a few simple stitches involved! Find out how to do
cross stitch with our handy guide to cross stitching for
beginners and check out our fantastic
cross stitch kits for beginners.
Our cross stitch video tutorials will help you get stitching
Cross stitch is very versatile; not only can you create
impressive samplers and pictures, you can also use it to
embellish and customise clothing, bags, accessories and even
other craft projects. Once you know how to cross stitch, you’ll
be able to work with any chart you choose.
Let’s go back to
Cross stitch is made up of squares or parts of squares. Each
cross stitch pattern is transferred to a fabric by matching the
weave of the fabric to the squares of the pattern or chart. This
is done by counting the squares on the chart and matching them
to the threads of the fabric, so each stitch appears in the
right place.
Things to take into consideration are the type of fabric and the
count. The count of the fabric is the number of threads per
inch. If the fabric were 14 count there would be 14 threads per
inch, therefore 18 count means 18 threads per inch and so forth.
There are three types of fabric you can choose from; Aida, linen
and Evenweave. Find out more about choosing a cross stitch fabric.
Getting started
The first step on how to do cross stitch is deciding how you’re
going to get started! When working a counted cross stitch
design, it is always best to start stitching from the centre and
work outward. This will ensure your design is correctly
positioned on the fabric. Cross stitch charts usually have their
centres indicated. The easiest way to find the fabric centre is
as follows: fold the fabric in half vertically and then
horizontally, pressing firmly on the folds to create definite
creases, when the fabric is laid out flat again it will be
divided into quarters. Work a line of tacking down each cease
(in a contrasting colour to the fabric) and where they cross is
the centre of the fabric piece.
Individual cross stitch
Looking at the stitch as a square, bring the needle out at the
bottom left (1) and work a diagonal stitch to top right (2).
Then bring the needle through in the bottom right (3) and cross
the first stitch with another diagonal stitch into the top left
Cross stitch row by row
Bring the needle out and work a row of diagonal stitches from
bottom left to top right. Then bring the needle through and work
a row of diagonal stitches crossing the first ones, bottom right
to top left, as shown in the diagram below. The rows can be
worked left to right or right to left, whichever feels most
comfortable to you, whether you are right or left handed.
Continue to create diagonal stitches in this way until you have
the desired number in that row. At the end of the row, pull the
needle up through the bottom right hole of the final square in
the row and then down through the top left hole to create an X
shape. Continue in this way until you reach the beginning of the
row to create a line of cross stitches.
NOTE: For a professional finish, it is
important when working cross stitch to make sure that all your
top stitches cross in the same direction.
Half cross stitch is simply a single diagonal stitch, as it
states, in fact half a cross stitch. Worked either from bottom
right to top left, or from bottom left to top right depending on
your preference.
How to cross stitch on
Aida and Evenweave fabric
When cross stitching on Aida fabric, each cross stitch is worked
over three holes. Cross stitching on Evenweave fabric is the
same as Aida, only each cross is worked over three holes instead
of two. Cross stitch can also be worked on finer fabrics such as
linen. Working on linen gives an even more professional finish
as the holes in the fabric are less visible. However, this also
makes it more fiddly to work with!
Backstitch, as it hints, is worked backwards. Work a stitch,
then bring the needle out a stitch length ahead and then back to
link up the line. Backstitch can be worked in any direction and
is used to outline designs and add detail.
Because of this, backstitch is usually done on top of the cross
stitch once the main design has been completed.
Starting and finishing
It is important not to use knots to start or finish as they can
create lumps and may eventually work loose or catch. Working
from the front push the needle through about 4cm (1½in) to the
left of the starting point. Then start stitching the first line
of cross stitch making sure you catch in the thread at the back,
once it is secure pull the end through to the back. If this
proves difficult you can simply pull the end back through to the
wrong side of the fabric when you have finished that piece of
stitching. Thread it through the needle and darn the end under a
few stitches, this is also the best way to finish off.