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Cross Stitch Skein Estimator / 2
How To C/Stitch Over Multiple Threads
How To Make Money With C/Stitch
How Much Money Is Your C/Stitch Worth
Can You Make Money Selling C/Stitch
9 FAQ About Starting a Craft Business
5 Basic Stitches in Cross Stitch
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C/Stitching on Aida,Evenweave,Linen
65 Cross Stitch Terms
88 Cross Stitch Terms
100 Cross Stitch Terms
20 FAQ About Cross Stitch
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15 Hints And Tips
15 Tips And Tricks
Counted Cross Stitch Hints
7 Reasons You Need To C/Stitch
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100 Embroidery Terms
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Embroidery Stitches. 16 Techniques
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23 Best Craft Sites
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100 Craft Youtube Channels / 2
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10 Sites To Start Selling Crafts Online
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The Art Of Needlepoint
How To Needlepoint. Guide
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/2 /3
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Pearl Cotton Size 3 / 2
Pearl Cotton Size 5
Pearl Cotton Variations
Pearl Cotton Balls #8 / #12
Cebelia Crochet
Babylo Crochet Yarn
Babylo Crochet Thread
Special Dentelles
Cebelia Crochet Yarn
Cordonnet Special
Broder Special

Anchor Info/Charts
Anchor Colors / Anchor 2
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Anchor Colors And Names
Pearl Cotton #8 MC
Pearl Cotton #8 Solid
Anchor Marlitt
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Tapisserie Wool / 2
Anchor Lame
Anchor Reflecta

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/ Viscose
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R/Gallery Treasure B. 12-16
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DMC-Laine Colbert Wool
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DMC-Flower Thread
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Dimensions-DMC /2
Dome - DMC - Anchor
DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
Weeks Dye-Works-DMC
Gloriana Silk to Weeks Dye Works
Gloriana Silk To Caron Waterlilies To Silk N'Colors
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Delica Bead - DMC
Itchy-Stitchy - DMC
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Knitting Needle Conversion

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BF.Uses And Care
Kreinik How-To
Kreinik Articles

Mill Hill
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100 Best Craft Youtube Channels (2)

100 Best Craft Youtube Channels (2)
Source: https://blog.feedspot.com/craft_youtube_channels

See Page 1: 100 Craft Youtube Channels 1

51. Monachristy Crafts

Monachristy Crafts
Tamil Nadu, India
About Youtuber Welcome to my Channel. Here you can see my passion on Arts and Crafts.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Jun 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCIQ4..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 21,955 . Views Count- 2,126,866 . Video Count - 41

52. Sushma's Craft and Creations

Sushma's Craft and Creations
India About Youtuber Knitting, Stitching and fashion designing.......This page is all about how one can be creative at home and also can enhance his/her skills in embroidery and other work by watching the videos.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Feb 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCy01..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 21,228 . Views Count- 2,186,630 . Video Count - 146

53. Crafter's Companion

Crafter's Companion
County Durham
About Youtuber Here you will find a number of videos, including handy hints, product and project tutorials, product trailers, company information and much, much more.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Apr 2010
Channel youtube.com/user/CraftersCom..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 21,160 . Views Count- 3,143,812 . Video Count - 327

54. RaRe ARTS

About Youtuber Our channel deals with simple and handmade DIY crafts and best out of waste projects. We present our creative ideas in a unique way 🙂
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jun 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCApZ..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 21,029 . Views Count- 3,421,443 . Video Count - 50

55. Paper Magic

Paper Magic
Czech Republic
About Youtuber Crafts and DIY tutorials everyone can make! Inspiration for everyone who loves simple crafts for kids. Ideas and tutorials are easy and quick to make and kids require just a little of help from parents or teachers 🙂
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Nov 2014
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCpHd..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 20,884 . Views Count- 1,425,489 . Video Count - 118

56. Shemi Dixon

Shemi Dixon
About Youtuber Hello and Welcome everyone! Thanks for stopping by my channel. My name is Shemi Dixon. I am a mixed media artist, Creative coach and Content Creator. Recycled Art, Abstract Painting, Art Journaling , Mixed media projects, Decoupage projects and crafts! I want to inspire you to life a Creative Life. Join Me!
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Sep 2013
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCevx..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 20,272 . Views Count- 3,159,485 . Video Count - 774

57. My Craft

My Craft
United Arab Emirates
About Youtuber My Craft is a craft youtube video channel that uploads craft videos.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Dec 2012
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCi9e..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 19,800 . Views Count- 3,064,741 . Video Count - 243

58. Becca Feeken

Becca Feeken
About Youtuber I'm an avid craft blogger and love to break things down into logical teachable bites. Come along with me on my crafting journey, where I take complicated things and make them seem easy.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Channel youtube.com/user/beccastamps..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 19,421 . Views Count- 2,583,281 . Video Count - 96

59. Galina's Crafts Tutorials

Galina's Crafts Tutorials
About Youtuber Hi! I’m Galina. Welcome to my crafts tutorial chanel. You can learn how to make many different Paper Crafts, origami models, boxes, flowers, paper balls, kusudama, hearts, Party decoration ideas, Christmas toys and decoration, Easter Crafts, Valentine's Day Crafts, Paper Flower Bouquet.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jul 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCEbS..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 18,724 . Views Count- 3,070,371 . Video Count - 33

60. Easy DIY Crafts

Easy DIY Crafts
About Youtuber DIY Crafts by Isabel! Welcome everyone, I love to make and create fun, creative and cool DIY Craft projects. I have a craft project for everyone whether you are looking for a kids craft, teen craft or a DIY craft for your home. I have plenty of how-to and DIY tutorials. I love to make DIYs that everyone can enjoy. I hope you enjoy watching!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since May 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC4tL..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 17,346 . Views Count- 3,572,640 . Video Count - 139

61. K4 Craft Video Tutorials

K4 Craft Video Tutorials
New Delhi, India
About Youtuber K4craft follows a holistic approach to nurture talent and teach everything related to crafts including simple decorations, jewellery, knitting, embroidery, paper crafts, quelling, ceramics in addition to fundamental tutorials for beginners.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Mar 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCMsN..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 16,300 . Views Count- 3,110,276 . Video Count - 142

62. Hobbycraft

About Youtuber We believe that nothing is as unique, personal or well-received as something that's been lovingly handmade. That's why we aim to make Hobbycraft the place for you to feel inspired and excited about craft. So, whether you're new to crafting and want some advice, or an expert seeking new skills, we'll help you with everything you need to watch, make and learn!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Jul 2006
Channel youtube.com/user/HobbyCraft/..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 16,147 . Views Count- 1,844,123 . Video Count - 407

63. LindaBauwin

About Youtuber LindaBauwin is an Independent Demonstrator for Stampin' Up! helping you create from the heart. The mission is to help you find your creative side.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since May 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/LindaBauwin..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 13,948 . Views Count- 1,655,628 . Video Count - 580

64. Positively Papercraft

Positively Papercraft
About Youtuber I am an UK Independent Stampin Up demonstrator. I Upload 3 Tutorials a week, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. I will be sharing with you my love of stamping and creating! I love making 3D craft projects like Gift boxes and unusual bags etc. I also want to share the beautiful products that Stampin Up carry and the ease of which they go together.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Jan 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCuue..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 14,699 . Views Count- 1,314,732 . Video Count - 293

65. Design Memory Craft

Design Memory Craft
About Youtuber aber-Castell is one of the world's leading manufacturers of fine artist materials. Faber-Castell's Design Memory Craft products are designed around a MIX & MATCH concept.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Mar 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/DesignMemor..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 12,821 . Views Count- 828,506 . Video Count - 140

66. Easy Peasy and Fun

Easy Peasy and Fun
About Youtuber We are all about fun and easy to do crafts for kids and kids at heart! We love all things crafty and arty and are sharing tutorials and ideas for origami (perfect for kids and beginners), paper crafts, paper toys and more.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Dec 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC3gF..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 12,458 . Views Count- 647,921 . Video Count - 146

67. Crafts And Drawings

Crafts And Drawings
About Youtuber Hi, through this channel I would like to share with you how to make crafts and how to draw things easily.I would like to share easy crafts only...Paper Crafts,Paper Flowers,Ribbon Flowers, Crafts out of waste materials...etc
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Nov 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/CraftsAndDr..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 12,238 . Views Count- 5,736,673 . Video Count - 92


About Youtuber Crafts and Kitchen.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Oct 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCTWS..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 11,412 . Views Count- 2,005,341 . Video Count - 26

69. Sugar Bee Crafts

Sugar Bee Crafts
Midwest - Kansas City area
About Youtuber Crafts, Tutorials, Do-It-Yourself Projects, Recipes, Photography, Fashion, and more! Tutorial videos to show you how you can accomplish a project. Enjoy!!
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since May 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/mandybeez/v..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 10,023 . Views Count- 2,859,477 . Video Count - 177

70. Amazing Crafts

Amazing Crafts
About Youtuber We will show you, how you can decorate your home with the waste thing such as Newspaper, plastic bottle, CD, Toilet tissue paper roll, spoon etc.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Dec 2014
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCDGN..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 9,782 . Views Count- 2,653,803 . Video Count - 112

71. Crafticakes7

About Youtuber I love all things art related. I think everyone is artistic in their own way and its all subjective. I love honesty regarding my own work and the work of others and employ you to be as honest as you can, just dont be mean : )
Frequency about 4 videos per week
Since Dec 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/Crafticakes..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 9,577 . Views Count- 944,493 . Video Count - 792

72. Craft with Creativity

Craft with Creativity
About Youtuber Hello.This is my channel of craft. In here you can find recycling ideas, how to make beautiful things from extra or waste stuff. It is really fun when you turn extra stuff into something incredible.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since May 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCcfO..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 8,880 . Views Count- 1,257,773 . Video Count - 84

73. Janette Lane

Janette Lane
About Youtuber I share Pocket Letter tutorials, ideas, DIYs as well as other papercrafts. I love planners, snailmail, scrapbooking, and blogging.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jul 2013
Channel youtube.com/user/thejanettel..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 12,257 . Views Count- 576,532 . Video Count - 165

74. Helen Griffin UK

Helen Griffin UK
East, England
About Youtuber Helen Griffin is a Paper Arts Educator & Designer based in the south east of England. She is also a member of Papercraft Magazines Design Team & The Pootles Design Team.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCCsr..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 8,541 . Views Count- 393,883 . Video Count - 124

75. May Flaum

May Flaum
About Youtuber From my art journal to scrapbook layouts, mixed media cards and canvases to DIY party decorations I love to make stuff. I am a full time crafty instructor and blogger, and I'm excited to share ideas and videos with you here on YouTube.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Sep 2010
Channel youtube.com/user/crazymayf/v..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 7,897 . Views Count- 585,257 . Video Count - 381

76. Stamping Smiles - Youtube

Stamping Smiles - Youtube
About Youtuber The aim is to make paper crafting enjoyable and easy through teaching through digital training videos, sharing great Stampin' Up! card ideas, providing stamping techniques, tips and/or tutorials.
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Jun 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/stampingsmi..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 7,646 . Views Count- 693,790 . Video Count - 411

77. Kelly's Quilling

Kelly's Quilling
About Youtuber Art & craft Channel focusing on paper quilling and filigree with free explanations and steps in the hopes of spreading the beauty and artistic value of paper craft to the world.
Frequency about 7 videos per week
Since Oct 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCZ-v..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 11,102 . Views Count- 1,432,186 . Video Count - 227

78. Crazy about DIY

Crazy about DIY
About Youtuber This channel is dedicated to creativity, How To and How-to :), DIY (Do-It-Yourself), Crafts, Recycling Handmade Stuff, Life Hacks, Tricks and Tips. We film and upload new video every day! Hope our videos will inspire you to create something beautiful with your own hands! #Howto #DIY
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Jan 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCa0I..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 6,368 . Views Count- 329,532 . Video Count - 111

79. Karen Titus

Karen Titus
About Youtuber This channel is all about stamping up card ideas, stamping techniques, and quick and easy hand made card ideas.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Aug 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/stampingont..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 5,878 . Views Count- 580,736 . Video Count - 414

80. Factory Direct Craft

Factory Direct Craft
About Youtuber Factory Direct Craft uploads videos on diy crafts tutorials.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Jun 2013
Channel youtube.com/user/FactoryDire..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 5,454 . Views Count- 1,468,746 . Video Count - 441

81. Handcrafted by Helen

Handcrafted by Helen
New Zealand
About Youtuber Find Card Making and Paper Craft tutorials.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Nov 2011
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC4d8..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 8,409 . Views Count- 481,528 . Video Count - 64

82. Papercraft Inspirations

Papercraft Inspirations
United Kingdom
About Youtuber Papercraft inspirations – your favourite card making and papercraft magazine! Never be stuck for inspiration again with the UK's favourite card making magazine. Each issue of PaperCraft inspirations is crammed with inspirational card making and papercraft ideas and tonnes of techniques for you to try.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Nov 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/PapercraftT..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 5,200 . Views Count- 317,382 . Video Count - 64

83. CraftingwithLiller

About Youtuber Hey guys welcome to my channel!!! My name is Lilly.... I created this channel so that i can share the love and passion i have found for paper crafting.. This channel will be filled with a variety of things, from hauls, to craft with me videos, project shares, shop with me videos and even future giveaways..
Frequency about 6 videos per week
Since Mar 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCBGx..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 4,947 . Views Count- 257,651 . Video Count - 319

84. Angel Dream Crafts

Angel Dream Crafts
About Youtuber Hi Friends! Welcome to My channel! I hope we can share, and learn and grow together. I love all things crafty, and love to try new techniques. I have lots of different kinds of videos for you to check out and I love to alter vintage and found objects. If you have any questions dont hesitate to drop me a line, I love to make new friends!
Frequency about 6 videos per week
Since Feb 2010
Channel youtube.com/user/angeldream1..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 4,286 . Views Count- 126,248 . Video Count - 525

85. Paper Source

Paper Source
United States
About Youtuber Paper Source is a specialty retailer offering a unique selection of fine and artisanal papers, invitations and announcements, personalized and distinctive gifts, gift wrap, greeting cards, custom stamps, and an exclusive collection of envelopes and cards. We want to inspire people to do something creative every day.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Dec 2007
Channel youtube.com/user/papersource..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 4,122 . Views Count- 1,102,756 . Video Count - 41

86. LDM Creations

LDM Creations
About Youtuber We specialize in hand made crafts and event planning. Please visit my store if you want to buy the butterflies, flowers, digital files, or other products featured in my videos.
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Dec 2007
Channel youtube.com/user/ovni1968/vi..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 4,056 . Views Count- 1,771,653 . Video Count - 177

87. American Crafts

American Crafts
Orem, Utah
About Youtuber Welcome to American Crafts. We're the source for bright, bold colorful paper with clean, modern designs. #craft #paper #scrapbooking. American Crafts designs and manufactures some of the most innovative and fashionable scrapbooking products available.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Mar 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/AmericanCra..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 4,011 . Views Count- 276,641 . Video Count - 62

88. Robin Feicht | Youtube

Robin Feicht | Youtube
About Youtuber Robin Feicht has been teaching creative Paper Crafts, Card Making, DIY Home Decor and Scrapbooking since 2005. Follow the channel to find crafting videos and tutorials to inspire your creativity.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since May 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/stampingcou..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 3,926 . Views Count- 677,515 . Video Count - 216

89. Arush DIY Craft Ideas

Arush DIY Craft Ideas
About Youtuber DIY Craft Ideas: Do-it-yourself projects and craft ideas that are easy to pull off. Fun crafts, experience the joy of doing it yourself!
Frequency about 4 videos per week
Since Jun 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCg4B..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 3,711 . Views Count- 391,269 . Video Count - 27

90. Crafters Corner

Crafters Corner
About Youtuber Crafters Corner was originally started by Shalini Mittal in 2008 for creating and teaching handmade products through papercrafts like paper quilling, punchcraft, parchment, cardmaking, scrapbooking etc.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Sep 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/crafterscor..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 3,503 . Views Count- 229,709 . Video Count - 139

91. Mixed Up Craft

Mixed Up Craft
About Youtuber Hey I'm Sam, a Wife, Crafter, Blogger and Youtuber. Sharing my love of all things crafty for you all to see.
Frequency about 4 videos per week
Since Mar 2007
Channel youtube.com/user/Thruster12/..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 3,361 . Views Count- 243,911 . Video Count - 144

92. Easy Kids Craft - Youtube

Easy Kids Craft - Youtube
About Youtuber We are a kids craft channel that will inspire your kids to create and enhance their crafting skills. Watch videos on Youtube.
Frequency about 5 videos per week
Since Apr 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCEG2..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 3,327 . Views Count- 725,443 . Video Count - 172

93. Imagine

Redmond, WA
About Youtuber We make high-quality inks, mixed media & artists tools. Tsukineko. Paper Crafts. Cardmaking. Scrapbook. DIY. Get your craft on with Imagine's crafting projects and tutorials.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Nov 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/ImagineCraf..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 1,876 . Views Count- 316,437 . Video Count - 318

94. Dinah Wulf

Dinah Wulf
About Youtuber Established in 2011, www.DIYInspired.com is a creative resource containing tips and ideas for parties, home decorating, repurposing, including step-by-step photo tutorials for craft and do-it-yourself projects. There are over 1K free step by step tutorials available.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Jun 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/dinahwulf/v..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 1,765 . Views Count- 491,147 . Video Count - 113

95. Crafter Anu

Crafter Anu
About Youtuber Handmade is what i make with love .
Frequency about 1 video per month
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCdxH..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 1,129 . Views Count- 197,415 . Video Count - 18

96. Crafts Council

Crafts Council
About Youtuber The Crafts Council's goal is to make the UK the best place to make, see, collect and learn about contemporary craft.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jan 2008
Channel youtube.com/user/CraftsCounc..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 779 . Views Count- 329,109 . Video Count - 78

97. Kraft Time

Kraft Time
About Youtuber Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel! Kraft Time is a channel for easy crafting ideas i.e. Newspaper craft, Home Decoration, Best out of Waste etc. You can find here step by step tutorial for all type of D.I.Y. projects.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCJzi..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 392 . Views Count- 6,095 . Video Count - 9

98. ByHand

Cairo, Egypt
About Youtuber Welcome to ByHand! On my channel, you will watch DIY videos, arts and play together to bring fun, joy and happiness whatever your age. You can follow along with us and learn how to draw, paint, fold, and all kinds of cool things!
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jan 2008
Channel youtube.com/user/ahmednm21/v..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 65 . Views Count- 1,944 . Video Count - 11

99. Lana Paper Flowers

Lana Paper Flowers
About Youtuber Hello friends! This is a guide channel for making flowers from paper and handmade products. Hope that after you watch these videos will have more ideas to create beautiful products made by yourself!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Mar 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCydL..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 135 . Views Count- 32,247 . Video Count - 76

100. Natalie Shaw

Natalie Shaw
About Youtuber Hi, I'm Natalie! I'm a craft and DIY blogger at Doodlecraftblog.com My wonderful husband let's me be a play-at-home mom! My 3 kids are my partners in crime. We love Sci-fi and geeky crafts, kid project, parties, decorations, holidays (mostly Halloween--we love costumes), furniture building, upcycling, roadside rescue and redo's...and much more 5 times a week!
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Apr 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/nataliedsha..+ Follow
Youtube Followers- 26 . Views Count- 6,990 . Video Count - 41

