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100 Embroidery Terms

100 terms related to Embroidery

Here's a glossary of 100 words related to embroidery, along with brief descriptions for each term:

  1. Aida Cloth: Even-weave fabric with regularly spaced holes for cross-stitch.
  2. Backstitch: Basic embroidery stitch used for outlining and fine details.
  3. Basting: Temporary stitches to hold fabric layers together during embroidery.
  4. Beadwork: Embellishment using small beads sewn onto fabric.
  5. Bias: Diagonal grain of fabric; bias cut fabric is stretchy and drapes well.
  6. Blanket Stitch: Decorative stitch forming a border with evenly spaced knots.
  7. Bobbin Thread: Thread wound on a bobbin underneath the fabric.
  8. Bullion Knot: Long, twisted stitch resembling a coil or knot.
  9. Canvaswork: Embroidery on a stiff fabric like canvas or needlepoint.
  10. Chain Stitch: Series of looped stitches forming a chain-like pattern.
  11. Chenille Needle: Thick, large-eyed needle for thick threads or yarns.
  12. Cloth Stitch: Basic embroidery stitch forming a cross pattern.
  13. Colorfast: Retains color without fading or bleeding during washing.
  14. Cording: Adding a raised, padded line to embroidery using cord or thread.
  15. Counted Thread: Embroidery worked on a specific count of fabric threads.
  16. Couching: Attaching one thread to the fabric with another contrasting thread.
  17. Crewel Embroidery: Embroidery using wool on a plain weave fabric.
  18. Cross Stitch: Stitch forming an X-shaped pattern on fabric.
  19. Cutwork: Technique involving cutting and removing fabric threads.
  20. Darning Stitch: Repairing fabric using interwoven stitches.
  21. Design Transfer: Copying a pattern onto fabric for embroidery.
  22. Embroidery Hoop: Circular frame to hold fabric taut while embroidering.
  23. Eyelet: Decorative hole with stitched edges in fabric.
  24. Faggoting: Joining two pieces of fabric with decorative stitches.
  25. Felt Appliqué: Layering cut-out felt pieces onto a fabric surface.
  26. Fiber Arts: Artistic creations using various textile techniques.
  27. Floss: Strands of embroidery thread, usually made of cotton.
  28. French Knot: Small, raised knot used for textured details.
  29. Fringe: Decorative trim consisting of hanging threads or tassels.
  30. Frogging: Undoing stitches to correct mistakes; ripping out embroidery.
  31. Goldwork: Embroidery using metallic threads or real gold and silver.
  32. Grosgrain Ribbon: Ribbed ribbon often used in embroidery for texture.
  33. Hardanger: Style of whitework embroidery with cutouts and geometric patterns.
  34. Hoop Art: Small, decorative embroidery projects framed in hoops.
  35. Jacobean Embroidery: Elaborate embroidery with stylized floral motifs.
  36. Knot Stitch: Embroidery stitch creating a raised knot on the fabric.
  37. Lacework: Delicate, openwork fabric created by embroidery or needle lace.
  38. Linen: Fabric made from flax fibers, popular for embroidery.
  39. Loomed Fabric: Fabric woven on a loom, often used for cross-stitch.
  40. Looming: Technique of weaving threads into an embroidered pattern.
  41. Luneville Embroidery: Tambour embroidery using a hooked needle.
  42. Metallic Thread: Thread woven with metallic fibers for a shiny effect.
  43. Monogram: Personalized design created by combining initials.
  44. Needle Felting: Creating designs by poking fibers with a barbed needle.
  45. Needle Lace: Lace created by looping and interlacing threads with a needle.
  46. Needlepoint: Embroidery stitched on canvas, creating a dense design.
  47. Passementerie: Decorative trims, tassels, and cords used in embroidery.
  48. Patchwork: Sewing together small fabric pieces to create a larger design.
  49. Penny Rug: Small, round or oval-shaped embroidered wool pieces.
  50. Pillowcase Lace: Delicate lace often used for pillowcase edges.
  51. Quilting: Stitching layers of fabric together to create a padded textile.
  52. Ribbon Embroidery: Creating designs using narrow, silky ribbons.
  53. Running Stitch: Basic, straight stitch used for simple outlines.
  54. Satin Stitch: Smooth, shiny stitches covering a larger area.
  55. Scissors Fob: Decorative charm attached to embroidery scissors.
  56. Seed Beads: Tiny, round beads often used for embellishments.
  57. Serger: Sewing machine for finishing fabric edges with overlocking stitches.
  58. Silk Ribbon Embroidery: Creating designs with silk ribbon for a textured look.
  59. Smocking: Gathering and stitching fabric to create a decorative texture.
  60. Snap Tape: Fastening tape with attached metal or plastic snaps.
  61. Stabilizer: Material placed under fabric to add support during embroidery.
  62. Stamped Cross Stitch: Design pre-printed on fabric for guided stitching.
  63. Stitchery: General term for all types of embroidery and needlework.
  64. Tapestry Needle: Blunt-ended needle for working on canvas or fabric.
  65. Tatting: Creating lace by looping and knotting thread.
  66. Thread Count: Number of threads per inch in woven fabric.
  67. Threader: Tool for guiding thread through a needle's eye.
  68. Thread Painting: Painting with thread to create detailed images.
  69. Tracing Paper: Thin paper used for transferring designs onto fabric.
  70. Trapunto: Padded quilting technique creating raised areas on fabric.
  71. Tulle: Fine, sheer fabric often used for delicate embroidery.
  72. Upholstery Fabric: Heavy, durable fabric used for embroidered home decor.
  73. Variegated Thread: Thread with color changes along its length.
  74. Velvet Stitch: Embroidery stitch creating a plush, velvet-like texture.
  75. Warp and Weft: Vertical and horizontal threads in woven fabric.
  76. Waste Canvas: Dissolvable canvas used for stitching on non-evenweave fabrics.
  77. Whip Stitch: Simple stitch used for seaming or hemming.
  78. Wool Appliqué: Layering cut-out wool pieces onto a fabric surface.
  79. X-Stitch: Abbreviation for cross-stitch embroidery.
  80. Yarn Dyeing: Customizing the color of yarn or thread for embroidery.
  81. Zigzag Stitch: Stitching pattern creating a zigzag line for finishing edges.
  82. Zweigart: Well-known brand producing high-quality embroidery fabrics.
  83. Appliqué: Attaching fabric shapes onto a base fabric for decoration.
  84. Ballpoint Needle: Needle designed for knits and stretch fabrics.
  85. Barred Chain Stitch: Chain stitch with a horizontal bar between each loop.
  86. Bunka Embroidery: Japanese punch needle embroidery technique.
  87. Chiffon Fabric: Lightweight, sheer fabric often used for delicate embroidery.
  88. Daisy Stitch: Simple, flower-like stitch forming a cluster of petals.
  89. Darning Mushroom: Tool used as a support for darning stitches.
  90. Embroidery Software: Computer programs for creating and editing embroidery designs.
  91. Folk Embroidery: Traditional embroidery styles specific to various cultures.
  92. Gimp: Twisted cord or thread used for decorative edging or outlining.
  93. Hedebo Embroidery: Danish whitework technique characterized by openwork and motifs.
  94. Interfacing: Material added to fabric for structure and support in embroidery.
  95. Jute Fabric: Coarse, natural fabric often used for rustic embroidery.
  96. Kumihimo: Japanese braiding technique used in embroidery trims.
  97. Loom Width: The maximum width of fabric that a loom can produce.
  98. Marlitt Thread: Brand of glossy, smooth embroidery thread.
  99. Napperon: French term for a small, decorative embroidered doily.
  100. Ottoman Embroidery: Turkish embroidery style known for intricate geometric patterns.