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Cross Stitch Skein Estimator / 2
How To C/Stitch Over Multiple Threads
How To Make Money With C/Stitch
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9 FAQ About Starting a Craft Business
5 Basic Stitches in Cross Stitch
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C/Stitching on Aida,Evenweave,Linen
65 Cross Stitch Terms
88 Cross Stitch Terms
100 Cross Stitch Terms
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100 Embroidery Terms
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23 Best Craft Sites
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50 Best Craft Sites
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100 Craft Youtube Channels / 2
115 Knitting Blogs
40 UK Knitting Blogs
20 Knitting Blogs
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The 4-H Knitting Handbook / 2
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The 8 Very Best Sewing Machines
How To Sew
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Understanding a Sewing Pattern / 2
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/2 /3
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Anchor Info/Charts
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Anchor Colors And Names
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Pearl Cotton #8 Solid
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Anchor Lame
Anchor Reflecta

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/ Viscose
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Conversion tables
Dmc-Anchor & Description
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DMC Articles Conversion / 2 / 3
DMC-Rayon-Anchor Marlitt
DMC-Kreinik Metallics
DMC Light Effects-Kreinik
DMC-Colbert Wool Conversion
DMC-Presencia (Finca) / 2
DMC-Venus / 2
DMC-Needlepoint Silk
DMC-Sullivans / 2
DMC-DFN (Janlynn)
DMC-Mill Hill Beads / 2
DMC-Anchor-Jp-Mill Hill
DMC-Laine Colbert Wool
DMC-Bucilla / 2
DMC-Profilo / 2
DMC-Cosmo (& Seasons)
DMC-Design Works
DMC-The Gentle Art /2 /3
DMC-Flower Thread
Dimensions-Anchor/DMC /2
Dimensions-DMC /2
Dome - DMC - Anchor
DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
Weeks Dye-Works-DMC
Gloriana Silk to Weeks Dye Works
Gloriana Silk To Caron Waterlilies To Silk N'Colors
DMC - Delica Bead
Delica Bead - DMC
Itchy-Stitchy - DMC
Mill Hill Beads To Miyuki
Sulky Conversions
Knitting Needle Conversion

Distributors & Stores
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Kreinik  #12
Metallic Selection Chart
Kreinik Selection Guides
Braids.Uses And Care
BF.Uses And Care
Kreinik How-To
Kreinik Articles

Mill Hill
Mill Hill USA Vendors
Mill Hill Beads
Mill Hill Magnifica
Mill Hill Treasures 1
Mill Hill Treasures 2
Mill Hill Treasures 3
M.Hill.List of colors / 2
Mill Hill colors

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85 Best Craft Blogs

85 Best Craft Blogs On Internet
Source: http://www.moonfruit.com

Craft Blogs

Craftster.org - A Community for Crafts and DIY Projects with Free Craft Ideas, Inspiration, Advice a

About Blog Craftster.org is an online community for crafts and DIY where you can find loads of ideas, advice, and inspiration. Hundreds of thousands of free craft projects, craft patterns, craft tutorials and more.
Frequency about 168 posts per week.
Website: craftster.org
Facebook fans 54,262. Twitter followers 25,513.

CraftGossip | Crafts, Patterns, DIY and Handmade Ideas

 About Blog DIY crafts and handmade gift ideas for Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Christmas including kids crafts, projects, inspirations, news and events, giveaways, product and book reviews. DIY craft news, reviews & ideas. Sewing to Knitting to Crochet. Even Edible Crafts & Polymer Clay!
Frequency about 56 posts per week.
Since Jan 2007
Also in DIY Blogs, Handicraft Blogs
Website: craftgossip.com
Facebook fans 407,999. Twitter followers 48,731.

Craftgawker | look to inspire

 San Francisco, CA About Blog Discover, search and share arts and crafts DIYs. Look to inspire your next project!
Frequency about 168 posts per week.
Website: craftgawker.com
Facebook fans 229,162. Twitter followers 7,262.

 5-Minute Crafts | DIY Videos

 About Blog Fun diy-projects, crafts, experience the joy of doing it yourself! Follow to get the videos from 5-Minute Crafts
Frequency about 28 posts per week.
Since Nov 2016
Also in DIY Youtube Channels, Creative Youtube Channels, Most Subscribed Youtube Channels, Life Hacks Youtube Channels
Website: youtube.com/channel/UC295..
Facebook fans 47,616,043. Twitter followers n/a.

Craft Projects | Reddit

 About Blog Share your tutorials, tips, and questions on all things craft related!
Frequency about 168 posts per week.
Website: reddit.com/r/crafts
Facebook fans 1,192,749. Twitter followers 562,865.

Red Ted Art's Blog - Easy Crafts for Kids

 London About Blog Red Ted Art's Blog provides easy, cheap and do-able crafts for both Kids and Grown Ups.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Also in Kids Activities Blogs
Website: redtedart.com
Facebook fans 2,416,415. Twitter followers 16,334.

Crafts for adults and kid's crafts - Crafts by Amanda

 About Blog Craft tutorials by Amanda Formaro - projects include kid's crafts, adult crafts, painting, recycled crafts, green crafts, wedding crafts, and plenty of DIY projects as well. Amanda is known for making something out of nothing using all sorts of reclaimed and recycled items, most times from things you can find around your home.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: craftsbyamanda.com
Facebook fans 1,425,992. Twitter followers 6,801.

Craft Supplies & Primitive Decor - Factory Direct Craft

About Blog Factory Direct Craft specializes in providing customers with the most unique primitive decor, basic craft supplies, and so much more. FDC caters to individuals and also has a wholesale program supporting those with their own business. Shop and save with FDC now for your next project.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: factorydirectcraft.com/facto..
Facebook fans 1,302,241. Twitter followers 2,535.

Blitsy Blog

 About Blog Search our online craft store to find discount craft supplies on products for paper crafting, needle crafts, kids, fine arts, jewelry, and so much more!
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: blitsy.com/blog
Facebook fans 529,640. Twitter followers 5,059.


 About Blog 1000's of free craft projects, home decor ideas and DIY tips. We add new projects and tips everyday. Some of our readers favorites include Christmas Crafts, Free Knitting Patterns, Free Crochet Patterns and Crafting with Kids.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Website: favecrafts.com/blog/fc
Facebook fans 501,858. Twitter followers 36,117.

Australian Craft Blog & Magazine | frankie magazine

About Blog Get the latest news, trends and events in craft from the Australian magazine named frankie.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Website: frankie.com.au/blogs/craft
Facebook fans 354,069. Twitter followers 79,609.

Hobbycraft Blog

85 UK Stores About Blog The Hobbycraft Blog is the place to be inspired about craft. New to crafting and need advice? Seeking new craft ideas? Our craft blog is here to help.
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Website: blog.hobbycraft.co.uk
Facebook fans 290,948. Twitter followers 33,565.

Tip Junkie

 About Blog Thousands of creative crafts, DIY projects, tips, and life hacks for busy women which have pictured step by step instructions on how to make or quickly print out. Tip Junkie also promotes creative women through products, services, and tutorials.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Website: tipjunkie.com
Facebook fans 239,547. Twitter followers 21,996.

 DIY Crafts, Projects And Handmade Gift Ideas - Craftbits.com

 About Blog 1000's of free crafts projects and handmade DIY gift ideas in sewing, knitting and crochet patterns. Find something to DIY for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day for kids.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: craftbits.com/ 
Facebook fans 229,437. Twitter followers 1,208.

Paper Source | Stationery Stores, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes

 About Blog The premier paper store for unique gifts, cards, gift wrap, wedding invitations, stationery, and crafts.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: blog.papersource.com/blog/
Facebook fans 131,112. Twitter followers 30,543.

Lia Griffith - Craft With Us

 About Blog Lia Griffith is a designer, maker and handcrafted lifestyle expert who began blogging to share her unique paper flower designs and diy projects. Lia inspires millions worldwide to reconnect with their creativity through daily DIY projects, tutorials and videos.
Frequency about 9 posts per week.
Website: liagriffith.com
Facebook fans 47,541. Twitter followers 3,095.

Skip To My Lou

 About Blog Craft, Create,Celebrate with kids crafts, easy sewing projects, teacher appreciation gift ideas, handmade gifts idea and much more.
Frequency about 5 posts per week.
Website: skiptomylou.org/category/mak..
Facebook fans 546,183. Twitter followers 13,671.

Live.Craft.Love. - A craft blog from Darice

 About Blog Live.Craft.Love is a craft inspiration and news blog. We will share weekly craft tutorials along with new product offering and craft industry news.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: blog.darice.com
Facebook fans 4,630. Twitter followers 2,744.

AllCrafts.net Free Crafts Update Blog

 About Blog Free Crafts Updates! I love all types of crafts! Thousands of free craft patterns - Crochet, Knitting, Sewing, Kids Crafts, Christmas & Halloween Crafts...
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Also in Paper Craft Blogs
Website: allcrafts.net
Facebook fans 6,358. Twitter followers 916.

A girl and a glue gun

About Blog Crafts and diy s that are fast and easy. glue gun, vinyl, sewing, painting...i do it all...as long as i can get it done quickly!
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: agirlandagluegun.com
Facebook fans 289,569. Twitter followers 3,989.

Mod Podge Rocks - Mod Podge Crafts and DIY

 Atlanta, GA About Blog A craft blog dedicated to providing you the best Mod Podge projects, how-tos, and inspiration on the net.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: modpodgerocksblog.com
Facebook fans 151,872. Twitter followers 20,315.

Handmade Charlotte

 About Blog Hand­made Char­lotte offers a daily dose of DIY crafts, parties, recipes, and inspir­ing interiors to help fam­i­lies cre­ate unfor­get­table moments.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Since Apr 2009
Website: handmadecharlotte.com
Facebook fans 105,027. Twitter followers 13,478.

The Crafty Blog Stalker

 About Blog A tutorial based blog that covers crafts, diy, home decor, sewing, paper crafting and more.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: thecraftyblogstalker.com
Facebook fans 18,393. Twitter followers 2,288.

DIY Inspired - Repurposing Ideas, Trash to Treasure & Craft Ideas

 California About Blog DIY Inspired is a DIY and Craft website with a focus on recycling and upcycling the old into something new or beautiful.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: diyinspired.com
Facebook fans 26,959. Twitter followers 15,611.

Kids Craft Room - Creative Fun For Everyone!

 About Blog Visit our site http://kidscraftroom.com bursting with award winning arts and crafts for kids of all ages. Your go to stop for all year round creativity and fun.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: kidscraftroom.com
Facebook fans 182,966. Twitter followers 7,165.

Glued To My Crafts

 About Blog Welcome! I'm Stacey - an Air Force wife, mother and the writer behind Glued To My Crafts. With dozens of tips & hundreds of tutorials, you'll be inspired to create one-of-a-kind crafts with us!!!
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Website: gluedtomycraftsblog.com
Facebook fans 23,211. Twitter followers 5,181.

Crafter's Companion

 Durham, UK About Blog Find out the latest goings-on from Sara and the rest of the Crafter's Companion team.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since Jul 2010
Website: crafterscompanion.co.uk/blog
Facebook fans 59,113. Twitter followers 10,525.

Heart Handmade UK - Craft Your Way To A Happy Handmade Home

 Belfast, UK About Blog Heart Handmade UK Blog is an extensive resource for diy projects, interior styling, art journalling, online art classes, sewing, crochet and inspirational loveliness. This blog is jam packed with Craft Tutorials and Blogging Advice. I have a serious addiction to stationery and vintage fabrics.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Since Jan 2012
Also in UK DIY Blogs, UK Craft Blogs
Website: hearthandmade.co.uk
Facebook fans 46,269. Twitter followers 5,114.

Crafts – diycandy.com

 About Blog A craft blog with hundreds of the best creative projects and tutorials on the internet.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: diycandy.com/category/crafts
Facebook fans 20,486. Twitter followers 4,238.

Kokuyo Camlin Blog

 About Blog Camlin Blog: Art & Craft, Hobby Ideas, Tools & Techniques & more.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: kokuyocamlin.com/blog
Facebook fans 805,212. Twitter followers 2,583.

Itsy Bitsy

 Bangalore, India About Blog Itsy Bitsy is a Hobby & Craft Retailer & Wholesaler in India and has been actively Exporting Scrapbooking , Card Making and General Craft lines to retailers and Importers around the world. Itsy Bitsy is India's premier craft, art & hobby supplies retailer with 16 stores in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Goa, Chennai, Pune & Hubli and an online store.
Frequency about 5 posts per week.
Website: blog.itsybitsy.in
Facebook fans 90,961. Twitter followers 350.

C.R.A.F.T. - Creating Really Awesome Fun Things

 About Blog Hi, I'm Jamie! I Create Really Awesome Free Things for your home, wardrobe, kitchen, and kids!
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: creatingreallyawesomefunthin..
Facebook fans 51,886. Twitter followers 5,871.

Craftulate - crafts and activities for young children

 U.S About Blog Craftulate offers a wide range of arts, crafts, activities and cooking tips for toddlers and young children.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Website: craftulate.com
Facebook fans 14,597. Twitter followers 3,747.

A Little Craft In Your Day

 Knoxville, TN About Blog Tanner and Courtney are here to bring you A Little Craft In Your Day. On this page you're going to find DIY Home Decor, DIY Teen Crafts, Room Decor Ideas, Kid Crafts, Wall Decor, Simple Craft Ideas, Recycled Crafts, and more! You're going to find fun craft tutorials, videos, and DIY features everyday here
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Website: alittlecraftinyourday.com
Facebook fans 13,788. Twitter followers 12,149.

Sugar Bee Crafts

 About Blog I enjoy all things crafty and feel like if I can do something, then you can too!! A blog by Mandy.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: sugarbeecrafts.com
Facebook fans 86,997. Twitter followers 8,964.

burlap and blue

 About Blog Craft blog featuring inspiring DIY crafts, tutorials and tips for living a creative life!
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: burlapandblue.com
Facebook fans 6,942. Twitter followers 3,193.

Crafty Chica: DIY Latina Lifestyle by Kathy Cano-Murillo

 About Blog Dedicated to helping people bring out their inner glitter! Crafty ideas, creativity exercise, book stuff and more!! Pop in for a visit and join!
Frequency about 5 posts per week.
Website: craftychica.com/blogs
Facebook fans 69,263. Twitter followers 24,576.

Fun Family Crafts | A library of free craft ideas from toddler to teenager

 About Blog A library of free craft tutorials for kids and parents. Lots of crafts, activities, printables, sewing patterns, recycled crafts for kids, edible craft ideas, seasonal and holidays, and even a list of special days like National Ice Cream Day and Zoo Day!
Frequency about 15 posts per week.
Website: funfamilycrafts.com
Facebook fans 34,622. Twitter followers 948.Craftberry Bush » Crafts & DIY

 About Blog Creativity in Bloom.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: craftberrybush.com/category/..
Facebook fans 33,352. Twitter followers 1,161.


 About Blog DIY, Upcycled, home decor and Kids crafts galore! I love sci-fi/fantasy geekery too! Doctor who, star wars and My little pony are favorites!
Frequency about 5 posts per week.
Website: doodlecraftblog.com
Facebook fans 8,732. Twitter followers 2,239.

Tim Holtz Cutting edge paper crafting products, tools, tips and ideas.

 About Blog Cutting edge paper crafting products, tools, tips and ideas. A blog by Tim Holtz.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: timholtz.com/blog
Facebook fans 122,865. Twitter followers 37,242.

Crafts on Sea - Family life by the ocean

 About Blog Crafts for adults and their kids, family life by the seaside. Blog by Kate Williams.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: craftsonsea.co.uk
Facebook fans 5,616. Twitter followers 6,818.

Cutesy Crafts - Crafts and DIY for the Home and Family

 About Blog Hi, my name is Jessica. I love to make crafts for my home and family and share about it on my blog. Hope you find inspiration here!
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: cutesycrafts.com
Facebook fans 10,040. Twitter followers 1,472.

We Are Scout - Design-led Craft DIY. Interiors Home.

 About Blog A creative lifestyle blog by Lisa Tilse. Design-led craft, interiors inspiration & curated goodness.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: we-are-scout.com
Facebook fans 4,229. Twitter followers n/a.

Craft Maker Pro

 About Blog Craft Maker Pro is the number one choice to save you time and money in your crafting. With automated inventory and pricing you can save time and money - 100% Guaranteed!
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: craftmakerpro.com/blog
Facebook fans 7,223. Twitter followers 514.

Kaisercraft Official Blog

 About Blog Kaisercraft is an arts, crafts & scrapbooking wholesaler supplying craft items, wood products, paints, papers, scrapbooking embellishments and general craft to retailers around the world.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Website: kaisercraft.com.au/blog
Facebook fans 44,682. Twitter followers 8,991.

Crafts Council News and Features

 London, UK About Blog We are the national development agency for the contemporary crafts in the UK.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since Jul 2013
Website: craftscouncil.org.uk/articles
Facebook fans 102,199. Twitter followers 102,665.

Felt Blog

 About Blog Felt is a New Zealand based online marketplace with an ever-expanding range of handcrafted goods - beautiful, quirky, practical and individual jewellery, homewares, art, accessories, toys, clothing and more.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: felt.co.nz/blog
Facebook fans 42,439. Twitter followers 2,557.

Create Craft Love - Where creativity and passion collide

 About Blog Easy crafts and recipes for busy moms!
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: createcraftlove.com
Facebook fans 24,481. Twitter followers 3,144.

Merriment Design – Simple and clever DIYs, sewing patterns and printables that look handmade, not ho

 About Blog How-tos, reviews, and articles on all things design related. wedding, crafts, product, jewelry, and graphic design.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: merrimentdesign.com/blog
Facebook fans 3,776. Twitter followers 1,709.

Craft Test Dummies - The Crafting Blog for Crafters, By Crafters

 About Blog CraftTestDummies' mission is to provide helpful and unbiased craft reviews, comparisons and tutorials that empower the craft consumer to use the right tool or product for the job. We aim to educate, inspire, and empower crafters to be their best selves and progress on an artistic journey.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Since Jan 2008
Website: crafttestdummies.com
Facebook fans 14,870. Twitter followers 13,881.

Craft Business Blog

 About Blog CraftProfessional is a popular website dedicated to helping people turn their talent for designing and making handmade goods into a successful business. Read and share photos, stories and knowledge about selling your crafts.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: craftprofessional.com/craft-..
Facebook fans 1,563. Twitter followers 54.

About Family Crafts – Free Crafts for Kids and DIY Ideas

 About Blog Find many craft projects, activities, and inspiration to help you create warm memories and positive crafting experiences with your family.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: aboutfamilycrafts.com
Facebook fans 6,176. Twitter followers 4,039.

Blog - Amy Tangerine

 About Blog Fresh & juicy pieces made with creative hands just for you.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: amytangerine.com/blog
Facebook fans 14,450. Twitter followers 11,810.

The Craft Sessions

 About Blog Welcome! The Craft Sessions aims to bring together people who craft for joy. We are all about fostering a love of hand making and discussing the ways traditional domestic handcrafts have meaning and context in our everyday lives.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Since Jun 2013
Website: thecraftsessions.com
Facebook fans 3,027. Twitter followers 188.

30 Minute Crafts - Crafts and DIY done in 30 minutes or less

 About Blog Crafts that can be completed in 30 minutes from start to finish.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: 30minutecrafts.com
Facebook fans 21,036. Twitter followers 3,138.

Think Crafts Blog - Craft Ideas and Projects - CreateForLess

 About Blog Think Crafts Blog - Craft, Scrapbooking and Sewing Ideas, Projects and Tips by Maria Nerius, the Expert Craft Advice Columnist at CreateForLess.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Website: thinkcrafts.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 331.


 India, Kolar About Blog Hi Welcome to my crafty little world. I love minimalist crafts and love adorning my house with handmade decor elements. Hope you find inspiration in my blog 🙂
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since Mar 2014
Website: thecraftyangels.com
Facebook fans 25,210. Twitter followers 183.

American Crafts Studio Blog

 About Blog A daily dose of scrapbooking, cardmaking and mixed media inspiration - lots of amazing how-tos and projects to get your creative juices flowing.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: americancrafts.typepad.com
Facebook fans 64,160. Twitter followers 30,077.

Create & Craft Blog - Togetherness, inspiration and creativity

 UK About Blog Create and Craft is a craft channel providing specialist craft and hobby products. We aim to educate and inspire, providing live demonstrations and guides from experts through a Multi channel approach.
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Since Aug 2014
Website: blog.createandcraft.tv
Facebook fans 170,947. Twitter followers 19,374.

Our Daily Craft - Make Something Great

 About Blog Crafting, blogging and life for busy mamas.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: ourdailycraft.com
Facebook fans 966. Twitter followers 3,109.

Cards ,Crafts ,Kids Projects

 About Blog Crafts by ENT Surgeon Dr Sonia. Pop up cards,recycling crafts, card making tutorials, paper decorations,papercraft Tutorial ,school projects, flower tutorials.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: cardsandschoolprojects.blogs..
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 21.

Craft With May

 About Blog No rules, just happy crafting.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: mayflaum.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.

My Paper Crane – the life & art of Heidi Kenney

 About Blog The art & craft of Heidi Kenney.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: mypapercrane.com/blog
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.

Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft

 About Blog Mixed Media inspiration for Makers, DIY, and Crafters with Gelatos Colors, Textures, India inks, tools and more.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: designmemorycraft.typepad.com
Facebook fans 45,350. Twitter followers 3,063.

Imagine Blog

 About Blog We provide high-quality inks including in a variety of colors and forms for paper, fabric, glass and metal crafts. We love empowering artist's creativity.
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Website: imaginecraftsblog.com
Facebook fans 6,840. Twitter followers 1,018.

Crafters Corner

 About Blog A passionate Crafter who looks forward to see everyone crafting with passion in the country with us.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: crafterscornerindia.blogspot..
Facebook fans 97,270. Twitter followers n/a.

Craft Focus Magazine - Arts, Craft and Hobby Industry News

 UK About Blog Craft Focus magazine is the UK's leading bi-monthly publication for the craft industry, for Art and Craft, Toy and Model shops, Haberdashers and Needlecraft retailers.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: craftfocus.com/news.cfm
Facebook fans 741. Twitter followers 3,499.

Craft Designs by Eve Leder - Crafting to transform what is into what it should be.

 About Blog Craft inspiration, information and tutorials on: Beading, Card Making, Crocheting, DIY Wedding, DIY Home Decor, Jewelry Making, Polymer Clay, and Sewing.
Frequency about 4 posts per month.
Website: eveleder.com
Facebook fans 530. Twitter followers n/a.


 About Blog A melting pot of crafts & graphic design.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Website: crafterholic.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 40.

feed your craft

 About Blog A cozy place of information & inspiration for all paper crafters, food makers, word lovers, DIY home decorators, and anyone else who loves to create!
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: feedyourcraft.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.

Crafts By Ria-Do what your soul loves!

 Australia About Blog Crafts By Ria has lot of beautiful Kids crafts and adults crafts. Learn paper crafts,crafts for kids,home decor crafts, tissue paper crafts, origami etc. here!
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: craftsbyria.com
Facebook fans 15,072. Twitter followers 89.

Above Rubies by Megan Elizabeth

 Wisconsin About Blog AboveRubiesStudio by Megan Elizabeth Passionate about inspiring women to create amazing crafts and start up incredible businesses that they love! Living life "above rubies" ~ Business Life and Balance the way you want it!
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: aboverubiesstudio.com
Facebook fans 14,906. Twitter followers 649.

SuNN Stampin'

 Kelowna, British Columbia About Blog Hi, I am ADDICTED to rubber stamping, card making, colouring and all things paper crafty. I really like to give a beautifully hand crafted greeting card. I teach card making workshops, try to inspire creativity and love seeing people fall in love with my hobby.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Website: sunnstampin.com
Facebook fans 540. Twitter followers 24.

My Little Craft Blog

 About Blog I created this little blog so that I could have a place to show different crafts that I make for my family, my friends, my students, and myself! I have always enjoyed crafting. I particularly love paper, and that's what I'm currently working with. A blog by Evelyn.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: mylittlecraftblog.wordpress.com
Facebook fans 146. Twitter followers n/a.

CraftAdda Official Blog

 About Blog CraftAdda is a one stop shop for all your crafting and artistic needs in India. Browse through the entire range of patterned papers, scrapbook merchandise, embellishments, craft punches , inks, paints and other art and hobby craft products.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: blog.craftadda.com
Facebook fans 32,796. Twitter followers 44.

Al Things Beautiful

 Bangayelore About Blog Welcome you to Al Things Beautiful. I’m Ann and this is my space where I’m taking the plunge in sharing my ideas and designs with you.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: althingsbeautiful.wordpress.com
Facebook fans 6,539. Twitter followers 1,475.

iGirlZoe | Crafter & Tim Holtz Addict

 About Blog Hello, I'm Zoe, a self confessed shopaholic and crafter! I live, love, breath, shop and even dream in craft.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Website: igirlzoe.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 190.

The Craft Shop Blog

 About Blog We are passionate about CRAFT and we believe in creating a great Crafting Community!!
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Website: thecraftshopindia.blogspot.com
Facebook fans 12,750. Twitter followers n/a.

Craft-O-Maniac - Feeding The Creative Addiction!

 About Blog Craft-O-Maniac is a fun craft blog full of lots of crafts especially festive ones around holiday time.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Website: craft-o-maniac.porch.com
Facebook fans 13,091. Twitter followers 3,610.

ZingZingTree - Crafty Fun For Crafty People

 About Blog Welcome to Zing Zing Tree. A blog where I hope you will be inspired to let your imagination run free and have some fun making things with or without your children!
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Website: zingzingtree.com
Facebook fans 5,971. Twitter followers 2,456.

Gabriela Delworth Designs

 About Blog A creative lifestyle blog focused on design, DIY, crafts, home cooking, gardening and photography.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: gabrieladelworth.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 434.

Kunin Felt | Felt • Fabric • Crafts

 Hampton, New Hampshire About Blog We manufacture quality felt for the crafter & sewer of every age. Made in America from recycled bottles. Educating and Inspiring Creativity since 1952.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since Dec 2013
Also in Needle Felting Blogs
Website: kuningroup.com/kunin-craft-blog
Facebook fans 1,115. Twitter followers 543.

Craft Queen Blog

 Seaforth,Australia About Blog The Craft Queen Blog provides with the latest updates about the papercraft artwork and elegant cards.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Jan 2007
Also in Australia PaperCraft Blogs
Website: craftqueenaus.blogspot.com
Facebook fans 4,027. Twitter followers n/a.

The Craft Barn

 About Blog Whether you craft as a hobby or for a living we have everything you need to achieve great results with our wide selection of products.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Website: thecraftbarnblog.blogspot.com
Facebook fans 4,597. Twitter followers 473.

VREnchanted Color, Craft & more.

 About Blog VREnchanted is an art and craft blog. Here, we share tutorials as well as craft project ideas and I hope you will like them. Some of the projects include scrapbooks, mini albums, handmade cards, gifts boxes, 3D projects, Mixed media layouts, Photo frames and more.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website: vrenchanted.blogspot.com
