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Anchor Info/Charts
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/ Viscose
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DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
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Mill Hill
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100 Best Craft Youtube Channels

100 Best Craft Youtube Channels
Source: https://blog.feedspot.com/craft_youtube_channels/

See Page 2: 100 Craft Youtube Channels

1. Simple Kids Crafts - Dollhouse and Miniature Crafts

Simple Kids Crafts - Dollhouse and Miniature Crafts
NYC, New York, United States
About Youtuber Simple Kids Crafts is a video blog dedicated to making easy, educational recycled crafts for people of all ages. Here we share Dollhouse and Miniature Crafts, General DIY and Doll Crafts. Our blog features crafts made out of recycled and Eco-friendly materials, as well as paper, cardboard, fabric etc. Follow this channel to get videos dedicated to making easy, educational recycled crafts for people of all ages.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Dec 2008
Channel youtube.com/user/simplekidsc..
Youtube Followers- 373,917 . Views Count- 117,353,496 . Video Count - 1,120

2. Innova Crafts | DIY Craft YouTube Channel

Innova Crafts | DIY Craft YouTube Channel
About Youtuber DIY crafts channel: Here you will find very easy diy and crafts. Follow this channel to get easy diy craft tutorials.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jun 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/InnovaCraft..
Youtube Followers- 906,948 . Views Count- 131,012,990 . Video Count - 92

3. Isa's World | Craft Youtuber

Isa's World | Craft Youtuber
About Youtuber My name is Isa. There are original ideas doing arts and crafts with recycled products ... but all in an easy and fun way. Follow my channel and find tutorials, tips and tricks of makeup , hair, beauty , personal care and much more.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Apr 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCNkz..
Youtube Followers- 559,990 . Views Count- 64,170,740 . Video Count - 178

4. Jo Nakashima - Origami Tutorials

Jo Nakashima - Origami Tutorials
About Youtuber Origami tutorials by Jo Nakashima. Follow this channel and learn how to make awesome origami models, from simple to complex!
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jun 2006
Channel youtube.com/user/jonakashima
Youtube Followers- 1,250,061 . Views Count- 267,515,862 . Video Count - 456

5. Lia Griffith

Lia Griffith
Portland, OR
About Youtuber Video tutorials of handcrafted projects from paper flowers, to sewing projects to making your own rugs, pillows and home decor. Follow this channel and get DIY decorating ideas, paper flower patterns, or gift wrap tips and much more.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Aug 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/Liagriffith..
Youtube Followers- 56,337 . Views Count- 6,895,004 . Video Count - 183

6. aPasos Crafts DIY | Craft Videos

aPasos Crafts DIY | Craft Videos
About Youtuber Welcome to your favorite craft channel with highest creativity. You can find all kind of DIY and tutorials step by step of your hobby. Things like fofuchas, Hand Crafts, Decoupage, Patchwork, Card Making, Recycling, Home Deco, Gifts, Celebrations. Do it Yourself! Follow this channel to get step-by-step tutorials on craft work.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Oct 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCe0C..
Youtube Followers- 287,889 . Views Count- 49,865,055 . Video Count - 86

7. Ana - DIY Crafts | Craft Tutorials

Ana - DIY Crafts | Craft Tutorials
About Youtuber Hello everyone! welcome to my channel! ♡ my name is Ana! I make easy D.I.Y crafts tutorials.. You'll find a wide variety of projects on my channel - there's something for everyone. Follow my channel and get videos on DIY craft and much more.Enjoy
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Jun 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/anadiycraft..
Youtube Followers- 141,641 . Views Count- 19,639,670 . Video Count - 181

8. DIY Paper Crafts - Giulia's Art

DIY Paper Crafts - Giulia's Art
United Kingdom
About Youtuber Hi, My name is Giulia Talmacel. Hrer you will DIY Crafts Tutorials , Crafting Tools Reviews and Vlogs. Follow this channel and learn Amazing Crafts - Paper Crafts, Valentine Crafts, Easter Crafts, Origami, Quilling, Crafts for Kids, Craft Projects, Home Decor Crafts, Paper Flowers, Christmas Crafts, New Year Cards, Valentine's Day Cards, Scrapbooks, Greeting Cards, Mother's Day Cards, Father's Day Cards, Pop-up Cards, Exploding boxes, Handmade Photo Albums, Gift Boxes and Packing, etc.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since May 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/estoreroman..
Youtube Followers- 126,725 . Views Count- 13,232,420 . Video Count - 88

9. Lorien's Craft Box

Lorien's Craft Box
About Youtuber My name's Abi and I am a big fan of sweets deco and miniatures. It is my dream to one day make perfect 1/12 scale miniatures. I like to work with clay, resin, paper, wood, and many other mediums. This channel is a mix of everything I like. I hope you'll find something you like! Follow my channel and get videos about Japanese toys, food, and crafts. I also talk about Tokyo Disney Resort a lot.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Mar 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/atelierlori..
Youtube Followers- 55,070 . Views Count- 4,848,257 . Video Count - 201

10. Interweave Craft

Interweave Craft
Ft Collins, CO; PA; MA; & NYC
About Youtuber One of the largest art and craft companies, we love DIY projects and making alongside art and craft enthusiasts. Follow this channel and find videos on creative ideas, tips, patterns, & events here!
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Feb 2008
Channel youtube.com/user/InterweaveV..
Youtube Followers- 89,150 . Views Count- 22,173,558 . Video Count - 1,526

11. FaveCrafts

Chicago, IL
About Youtuber Welcome to the FaveCrafts channel where we have 1000's of free craft projects, home decor ideas and DIY tips. We are alway adding new projects and tips. Some of our favorites include Christmas Crafts, Free Knitting Patterns, Free Crochet Patterns and Crafting with Kids. Follow this channel and find step-by-step instructions, videos and patterns to make it quick and easy.
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Feb 2010
Channel youtube.com/user/FaveCraftsV..
Youtube Followers- 61,386 . Views Count- 14,123,337 . Video Count - 858

12. Craftsy

United States
About Youtuber The Craftsy YouTube channel, where we share inspiring ideas and a-ha tricks from industry pros and everyday makers like you. No matter your passion, we’re your destination to learn something new, master a trendy design or just become more confident in your skills. Follow this channel to get craft videos for more inspiration from tips & tricks to the squishiest yarns and most playful fabrics.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Jul 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/becraftsy/v..
Youtube Followers- 360,770 . Views Count- 27,836,473 . Video Count - 556

13. Shagufta Fyms

Shagufta Fyms
About Youtuber Welcome to my channel! I create beautiful embroidery designs & tutorials. I make embroidery fun and easy through my videos! Hope you all like! Follow my channel as I share embroidery designs & tutorials!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Oct 2013
Channel youtube.com/user/FymsEmbroid..
Youtube Followers- 385,320 . Views Count- 74,365,409 . Video Count - 372

14. Artkala - World of innovation

Artkala - World of innovation
Patna, India
About Youtuber This channel is all about DIY, lifehack, tutorials, nail art and other awesome ideas that pop on my mind.We always strive to upload the best quality content on our channel. The best part of our channel is that we transform the old and useless waste materials into a new creative and daily need usefull material and we upload a new video everyday. Follow this channel and get DIY tutorial that are very easy and simple to follow.
Frequency about 6 videos per week
Since Sep 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCbP0..
Youtube Followers- 987,595 . Views Count- 162,713,739 . Video Count - 476

15. Paper Quilling Art

Paper Quilling Art
Hyderabad, India
About Youtuber Raghuvaran uploads attractive quilling designs on his youtube channel. Subscribe to this channel for learning technics of quilling and quilling art. Follow this channel to get more videos on paper quilling and art.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Jan 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCwq0..
Youtube Followers- 122,986 . Views Count- 21,521,800 . Video Count - 404

16. Create & Craft TV

Create & Craft TV
About Youtuber Learn & shop with Create and Craft, the UK's number one live TV Craft channel. Tune in for live demonstrations plus tips and techniques from the experts!
Frequency about 4 videos per week
Since Mar 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/CreateandCr..
Youtube Followers- 27,309 . Views Count- 2,971,936 . Video Count - 978


About Youtuber DIY handmade, home decor, room decor videos.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Dec 2014
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCrBI..
Youtube Followers- 21,254 . Views Count- 3,282,293 . Video Count - 107

18. Abbi Kirsten Gillespie

Abbi Kirsten Gillespie
About Youtuber I create tutorials for Paper crafting.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Oct 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCpex..
Youtube Followers- 12,977 . Views Count- 1,495,829 . Video Count - 98

19. Paper Folds - Origami & Crafts!

Paper Folds - Origami & Crafts!
About Youtuber Origami & Paper craft demos made very easy to learn!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Feb 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCaoR..
Youtube Followers- 202,040 . Views Count- 33,875,697 . Video Count - 867

20. Stitch and Flower

Stitch and Flower
About Youtuber Want to learn hand embroidery? Who has the time? You do. I know, I know, it sounds painstaking, time-consuming and intimidating. You can learn to embroidery. I say so. This is a deceptively simple craft. Embroidery is easy, relaxing, and one of the least expensive hobbies you can take up. YOU CAN DO THIS.
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Jul 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCnub..
Youtube Followers- 134,982 . Views Count- 20,021,308 . Video Count - 172

21. Srushti Patil

Srushti Patil
Mumbai, India
About Youtuber Where craft unfolds... This is one of the most popular Youtube channel on Card Making. Follow this channel to find step by step video tutorials on cardmaking.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Jun 2013
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCSyS..
Youtube Followers- 375,208 . Views Count- 56,862,515 . Video Count - 120

22. Arte y Salud en Casa

Arte y Salud en Casa
United States
About Youtuber Arte y Salud en Casa means art and health from home. Here, you will find easy DIY´s, crafts using easy to find supplies and much more.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Jul 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCBJp..
Youtube Followers- 279,981 . Views Count- 31,140,139 . Video Count - 119

23. Cristhian Crafts

Cristhian Crafts
Salta, Argentina
About Youtuber Welcome to this great family of Crafters! My name is Cristhian and I will help you make your favorite characters! In the channel you will find Tutorials in Plasticine and Cold Porcelain, you will also find key chains, pens and even drawings
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jun 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/CristhianCr..
Youtube Followers- 246,265 . Views Count- 49,580,676 . Video Count - 332

24. Maymay Made It Crafts | Crafting Youtube Channel

Maymay Made It Crafts | Crafting Youtube Channel
Verbena, Alabama, United States
About Youtuber Blogger, crafter and all around paper addict!! I love crafting and making tutorials for you!! On my channel I try to post easy to make crafts that anyone can do. I dabble in all crafts, paper, paint, and much, much more.
Frequency about 7 videos per week
Since Oct 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/MayMayMadeI..
Youtube Followers- 160,643 . Views Count- 20,995,832 . Video Count - 1,392

25. Minakshi Biswas

Minakshi Biswas
About Youtuber Hi, I am Minakshi Biswas. I am a housewife from India. I make DIY videos in my spare time. Hope you like them.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Aug 2012
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCp3Q..
Youtube Followers- 108,500 . Views Count- 13,943,518 . Video Count - 89

26. Kraft Story

Kraft Story
About Youtuber This channel is an Innovative way to share our own creativity and happiness with others.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Mar 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCsR9..
Youtube Followers- 100,014 . Views Count- 14,013,309 . Video Count - 50

27. DIY Crafts TV

DIY Crafts TV
About Youtuber Only FRESH OWN DIY Crafts: Room decor, Desk organization, Gifts Tutorials, DIY Bags & Backpacks, Home DIY Crafts, Clothes Recycle Tutorials, School DIYs and other. New video every 5 days. Here you will find really interesting and usefull DIY Ideas.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Sep 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCv7t..
Youtube Followers- 99,006 . Views Count- 14,492,937 . Video Count - 197

28. Pearl's Crafts

Pearl's Crafts
About Youtuber Hi everyone! Welcome to my small craft corner where I show you some of my favorite crafts. Right now I am focused on making paper flowers and tutorials. I upload twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and sometimes I do bonus videos on Saturday.
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Mar 2017
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC01g..
Youtube Followers- 96,078 . Views Count- 6,355,197 . Video Count - 51

29. Recycled Bottles Crafts - Youtube

Recycled Bottles Crafts - Youtube
Richmond, British Columbia
About Youtuber Recycled Bottles Crafts is a part of big diy crafts project. Here you'll find wonderful diy crafts ideas which you can make out of plastic bottles, cups, containers and so on. Use these ideas for your school projects, for home or garden decoration, for fun and soul.
Frequency about 4 videos per month
Since Feb 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/recycledbot..
Youtube Followers- 94,921 . Views Count- 24,605,367 . Video Count - 227

30. DIY-Paper Crafts

DIY-Paper Crafts
About Youtuber DIY-Paper Crafts is channel that show you how make some art and crafts from crepe paper, tissue paper and origami paper.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since May 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCvSc..
Youtube Followers- 118,125 . Views Count- 27,203,607 . Video Count - 275

31. Idea Of The Day

Idea Of The Day
About Youtuber Find DIY, how to make greeting cards, card making ideas, tutorials, paper crafts, origami, paper folding, handmade, scrapbook, crafts ideas, arts, gift ideas all this and more on the channel Idea Of The Day.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Jan 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC-CX..
Youtube Followers- 98,206 . Views Count- 16,305,869 . Video Count - 91

32. Pootles Papercraft

Pootles Papercraft
About Youtuber Independent Stampin' Up! demonstrator, bespoke gift packaging and box designer.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Mar 2013
Channel youtube.com/user/PootlesPape..
Youtube Followers- 74,756 . Views Count- 12,322,252 . Video Count - 926

33. Skymagenta Craft

Skymagenta Craft
About Youtuber Hello there! 🙂 Crafting is my greatest passion of all. I will be sharing a kinds of craft tutorial here in my channel.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Oct 2011
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCXLS..
Youtube Followers- 72,688 . Views Count- 11,520,313 . Video Count - 165

34. Dixit Craft

Dixit Craft
About Youtuber Hello everyone, my name is Ishan and this channel is about cardboard crafts, home decoration, toys and other things which you can make or do at your home.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Apr 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC2zA..
Youtube Followers- 69,515 . Views Count- 6,837,959 . Video Count - 20

35. Mitanjali .M

Mitanjali .M
About Youtuber Welcome to my channel "Mitanjali.M". This channel I, have created to share my knowledge in crafts, especially News Paper Craft. I remember, when first time in YouTube, I saw this wonderful craft and very creative, rolling, coloring and weaving ideas, I was very much impressed.
Frequency about 3 videos per week
Since Jun 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCm_d..
Youtube Followers- 66,916 . Views Count- 8,651,997 . Video Count - 82

36. Dayo's Craft

Dayo's Craft
About Youtuber I fond to make paper flowers and flower garlands and many crafts. This is my passion to create hand crafts
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Apr 2012
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC8KY..
Youtube Followers- 61,804 . Views Count- 13,446,621 . Video Count - 68

37. Stampin' Up!

Stampin' Up!
Riverton, Utah
About Youtuber Since 1988, Stampin' Up! has been helping people discover and share their creativity through our exclusive line of decorative stamp sets and accessories for cards, scrapbooking, craft projects, and home décor!
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Channel youtube.com/user/stampinupvi..
Youtube Followers- 60,552 . Views Count- 9,129,064 . Video Count - 559

38. Anyone Can Craft

Anyone Can Craft
About Youtuber I dream and create, and then i try to make it possible that anyone else can create alongside me. So stick around and let me share my little world with a you
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since May 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC9a_..
Youtube Followers- 59,567 . Views Count- 8,275,298 . Video Count - 31

39. Craft Videos

Craft Videos
About Youtuber Craft Videos channel is dedicated to make easy crafts and easy cards for kids. Here in this channel we are making videos on handmade cards, handmade crafts and best out of waste as well.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Jan 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCCwm..
Youtube Followers- 74,695 . Views Count- 17,024,039 . Video Count - 228

40. Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts
About Youtuber Rangoli designs with colours, DIY Jewelry making etc..........
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Nov 2016
Channel youtube.com/channel/UCrAb..
Youtube Followers- 79,409 . Views Count- 18,485,647 . Video Count - 192

41. Beading Tutorials

Beading Tutorials
About Youtuber A channel dedicated to beadind and all types of beading tutorials.
Frequency about 2 videos per week
Since Feb 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/clickaici/v..
Youtube Followers- 59,495 . Views Count- 10,984,335 . Video Count - 452

42. Craft & Art School

Craft & Art School
About Youtuber Origami / Paper Folding | Kirigami / Paper Cutting | Paper Craft - Ideas / Tutorials / How To's / DIY (Do It Yourself) Videos.
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Jul 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/CraftAndArt..
Youtube Followers- 44,686 . Views Count- 9,459,769 . Video Count - 117

43. Creative DIY Crafts

Creative DIY Crafts
About Youtuber I am Saranya Kuppusamy, homemaker of a beautiful family. Whatever crafts I try to make, I realize one thing each time, "In Crafting, there are no mistakes, it is your own unique creation".
Frequency about 1 video per month
Since Dec 2011
Channel youtube.com/user/saranyascra..
Youtube Followers- 37,736 . Views Count- 10,001,361 . Video Count - 126

44. Blitsy Crafts

Blitsy Crafts
About Youtuber Welcome to our channel! Here you'll find lots of craft supplies and inspiration.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Aug 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/BlitsyCraft..
Youtube Followers- 33,918 . Views Count- 2,330,645 . Video Count - 483

45. Alanda Craft

Alanda Craft
About Youtuber Our quilting tutorials and bag tutorials are designed to show you easy ways to make quilts and bags. So who are we?...well Alanda Craft is Paula and Wanda and we have a passion for all things craft related and in particular we love making bags, quilts, scarves, working with mixed media to create works of art and machine embroidery.
Frequency about 3 videos per month
Since Mar 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/alandacraft..
Youtube Followers- 31,792 . Views Count- 2,903,935 . Video Count - 163

46. Paper Crafts

Paper Crafts
About Youtuber Paper crafts is the collection of art by innovative use of paper to form amazing three dimensional structures. . Paper crafts provide tutorials on various techniques of paper folding which consists of Quilling, Origami and Kirigami.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Feb 2015
Channel youtube.com/channel/UC9_5..
Youtube Followers- 31,442 . Views Count- 4,242,199 . Video Count - 42

47. NurseTara04

About Youtuber Hello and welcome to my channel! Here you will find many projects that reflect my love of crafting and unique way of thinking outside the box. I hope to inspire you with my tutorials and not only enable you with my hauls but encourage you to use what you have and turn the ordinary into something extraordinary!
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since May 2009
Channel youtube.com/user/NurseTara04..
Youtube Followers- 30,815 . Views Count- 2,697,472 . Video Count - 388

48. Art and Crafts Zone

Art and Crafts Zone
About Youtuber We love doing Crafts, Drawing, Painting and sharing it with others!
Frequency about 1 video per week
Since Aug 2014
Channel youtube.com/user/Artandcraft..
Youtube Followers- 28,135 . Views Count- 5,863,010 . Video Count - 142

49. The Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo

The Crafty Chica, Kathy Cano-Murillo
Phoenix, AZ
About Youtuber Happiness crafts and Latino DIY by Kathy Cano-Murillo, The Crafty Chica. Here you'll find all things shiny, happy, and easy-to-make.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jun 2006
Channel youtube.com/user/craftychica..
Youtube Followers- 24,246 . Views Count- 3,774,460 . Video Count - 344

50. Paper Crafter 45

Paper Crafter 45
About Youtuber Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting! It's wonderful to see you! 🙂 Find tutorials on paper crafts.
Frequency about 2 videos per month
Since Jan 2012
Channel youtube.com/user/papercrafte..
Youtube Followers- 22,829 . Views Count- 1,787,425 . Video Count - 195


