Where to buy these Heaven And Earth KITS
The History of HAED
The company was founded in 2002 and it all started when we owned a
hand dyed fabric business in which a customer was trying to find the
artist for a piece of artwork that she wanted charted. I had
contacted a dear friend that was a Designer and got some ideas for
charting and then implemented my own process which has been refined
over the years. My background is in Graphics and Information
Technology was the perfect combination to come up with my own
designing process.
HAED currently has 5 employees, Bob (handles all aspects of chart
presentation), Michele (designing, Customer Service, site
management, Special Projects), Maison (Production Manager), James
(Kit assembly) and Morgan (Kit prep). Our Admin Team is comprised of
7 people and they manage our Facebook group and someone is always
around to help if you need it.
Here you can
find some FREE SAMPLES to download:

Art of the Antiquities

HAED Originals

Miscellaneous Material Packs

Ready to Ship Material Packs

Afremov, Leonid

Allain, Jessica

Allen, Tom

Anderson, Rachel

Ashwood, Brigid

Bartholet, David

Beard Jr., Ed

Becket Griffith, Jasmine

Bergsma, Jody

Biertempfel, Renee

Bird, Charlotte

Bogle, Lee

Bowser, Jonathan Earl

Brennan, Pat

Bromley, Joanna

Broome, Marianne

Brown, Amy

Browne, James

Butcher, Sara

Butler, Tracy

Buziak, Cari

Camprubi, Krystal

Carlin, Neilson

Carlos, Rob

Carlson, Steven Paul

Cavalaris, Carol

Christensen, Cindy

Christensen, James C.

Claire, Jill

Clyne, Sue


Cross, Tom

Dahlig, Marta

Daniel, Kevin

Daniels, Ian

Dauenhauer, Charity

Davison, Dominic

Dawe, Alexandra

Dawn, Melissa

Del Rio, Raul

DellaGrottaglia, Jena

Delon, Melanie

Delyth, Jen

Dertner, Erin

Designs By Katt

Desimini, Lisa

Dillman, Meredith

Dittman, Anna

Down, Chris

Escher, M.C.

Evans, Ash
Evans, Ash

Fain, Julie

Faulkner, Nancy

Fedorova, Tatiana

Fenech, Selina

Fitchett, Gordon

Fitzsimons, Morgan

Garmashova, Irina

Gavrilov, Olegze="3">

Gavrilova, Alexandra

Gayford, Stephen

Gelsinger, Dona

Gerhardt, Cherie (Mystic Moon Media)

Giana, Alanze="3">

Gilbert, Yvonne

Golledge, Penny

Grandjean, Christy

Gyseman, Suzanne

Harai, Kayomi

Harkness, Claire

Harrison, Molly

Hawks, Carrie

Hayes, Michael

Haynie, Jeff

Hess, Christina

Heyer, Carol

Hoffrichter, Davide="3">

Hurst, Sharon

Ivory, Lesley

Jacobs, Kim

Jelina, Myka`

Jetses, Cornelise="3">

Johnson, Howard David

Kai, Annya

Kathleen, Wendy

Kendrick, Lane

Ketner, Jeremiahe>

Khan, Rose

Kimpel, Drazenka

Koukiotis, Katerina

Krasny, Jan Patrik

Kuck, Sandra

Kuik, Ching-Chou

Lamb Shannon, Kay

Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun

Lazareva, Alenae

Levin, Alex

Little Fairy Art

Lorenz, Richard

Lorienne, Adele

Lusk, BK

Lynch, Jo

Lynn, Hannahe="3">

Manoccia, Adriano

Marchetti, Ciro

Marie, Joan

Markegard, Tammara

Marks, Rachel

Mastrangelo, Judy

McArdle, Thaneeya

Miller, Sue

Mills, Kirstin="3">

Moon, Ora

Morita, Haruyo

Morrissey, Dean

Morrow, Carla

Nichol, Janelle

Nielsen, Zindy

Nixon, Arden Ellen

Ortega, Cris

Parker, Ed

Parker, Lisa

Patterson, Gary

Pauline, Sarah

Penfound, David

Pettit, Myrea

Phelan, Ravynne

Pinkney, Myles

Plank, Bill

Portella, Roser

Powell, John

Powell, Kate

Prindle, Laurie

Pritchard, Geoff

Prosvirina, Janna

Ravenscroft, Linda

Rayyan, Omar

Rayyan, Sheila="3">

Rich, Sabine

Roberts, Steven A

Rosario, Teri

Russell, Andy="3">

Sanderson, Ruth

Santara, Sandra

Sarnat, Marjorie

Schimmel, Schim

Schlick, Bente

Schmidt, Cynthia

Seed, Lee Anne

Senkarik, Mikki

Shannon, John="3">

Shasky, Jane

Spangler, Randal

Spokes, Alison="3">

Stegg, Annie

Steinke, Lisa

Stewart, Aimee

Stewart, Lars

Stewart, Matt

Stokes, Anne

Straub, Philip

Strelkina, Nadia

Szabo, Gabriella

Tallamy, Rachael="3">

Tate, Nadia

Tcherevkoff, Michel

The Vintage Angel

Thompson, Mary

Thompson, Ruth

Togel, Conni

Toland Scott, Tiffany

Tso, Linda

Vacher, Christophe

VanDenBerg, Babette="3">

Victoria, Lisa

VonStetina, Laura

Wall, Josephine

Warren, Jim

Weils, Jane Starr

Weiss, John

Welker, Elizabeth

Whitney, Tisha

Wilkie, Jeff="3">

Williams, L.A.

Winkler, Fred

Winnel, Bec

Wolstenholme, Jonathan

Wooster Scott, Jane="3">

Yerka, Jacek

Zielinska, Gracjana