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Cross Stitch Skein Estimator / 2
How To C/Stitch Over Multiple Threads
How To Make Money With C/Stitch
How Much Money Is Your C/Stitch Worth
Can You Make Money Selling C/Stitch
9 FAQ About Starting a Craft Business
5 Basic Stitches in Cross Stitch
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Cross Stitch Wikipedia
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C/Stitching on Aida,Evenweave,Linen
65 Cross Stitch Terms
88 Cross Stitch Terms
100 Cross Stitch Terms
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Counted Cross Stitch Hints
7 Reasons You Need To C/Stitch
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100 Embroidery Terms
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Embroidery Stitches. 16 Techniques
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10 Sites To Start Selling Crafts Online
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Wonderfil Eleganza
CXC Thread Review
Needlepoint vs C/Stitch
10 Beginner Tips For Needlepoint
The Art Of Needlepoint
How To Needlepoint. Guide
How To Needlepoint
Basic Needlepoint
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3 Good Reasons To Try DMC Floche
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Variations / 2
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Pearl Cotton Size 3 / 2
Pearl Cotton Size 5
Pearl Cotton Variations
Pearl Cotton Balls #8 / #12
Cebelia Crochet
Babylo Crochet Yarn
Babylo Crochet Thread
Special Dentelles
Cebelia Crochet Yarn
Cordonnet Special
Broder Special

Anchor Info/Charts
Anchor Colors / Anchor 2
Anchor Description Colors
Anchor Colors And Names
Pearl Cotton #8 MC
Pearl Cotton #8 Solid
Anchor Marlitt
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Tapisserie Wool / 2
Anchor Lame
Anchor Reflecta

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/ Viscose
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Conversion tables
Dmc-Anchor & Description
DMC/Anchor Variegated
DMC Articles Conversion / 2 / 3
DMC-Rayon-Anchor Marlitt
DMC-Kreinik Metallics
DMC Light Effects-Kreinik
DMC-Colbert Wool Conversion
DMC-Presencia (Finca) / 2
DMC-Venus / 2
DMC-Needlepoint Silk
DMC-Sullivans / 2
DMC-DFN (Janlynn)
DMC-Mill Hill Beads / 2
DMC-Anchor-Jp-Mill Hill
DMC-Laine Colbert Wool
DMC-Bucilla / 2
DMC-Profilo / 2
DMC-Cosmo (& Seasons)
DMC-Design Works
DMC-The Gentle Art /2 /3
DMC-Flower Thread
Dimensions-Anchor/DMC /2
Dimensions-DMC /2
Dome - DMC - Anchor
DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
Weeks Dye-Works-DMC
Gloriana Silk to Weeks Dye Works
Gloriana Silk To Caron Waterlilies To Silk N'Colors
DMC - Delica Bead
Delica Bead - DMC
Itchy-Stitchy - DMC
Mill Hill Beads To Miyuki
Sulky Conversions
Knitting Needle Conversion

Distributors & Stores
Kreinik color Charts
Kreinik Widths
Needle Selection Chart
Kreinik colors /2 /3
Kreinik BF / Kreinik #4
Kreinik #8 / Kreinik Silk
Kreinik  #12
Metallic Selection Chart
Kreinik Selection Guides
Braids.Uses And Care
BF.Uses And Care
Kreinik How-To
Kreinik Articles

Mill Hill
Mill Hill USA Vendors
Mill Hill Beads
Mill Hill Magnifica
Mill Hill Treasures 1
Mill Hill Treasures 2
Mill Hill Treasures 3
M.Hill.List of colors / 2
Mill Hill colors


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Heaven And Earth KITS.

Heaven And Earth KITS (HAES). List of articles

Where to buy these Heaven And Earth KITS http://heavenandearthdesigns.com

The History of HAED
The company was founded in 2002 and it all started when we owned a hand dyed fabric business in which a customer was trying to find the artist for a piece of artwork that she wanted charted. I had contacted a dear friend that was a Designer and got some ideas for charting and then implemented my own process which has been refined over the years. My background is in Graphics and Information Technology was the perfect combination to come up with my own designing process.

HAED currently has 5 employees, Bob (handles all aspects of chart presentation), Michele (designing, Customer Service, site management, Special Projects), Maison (Production Manager), James (Kit assembly) and Morgan (Kit prep). Our Admin Team is comprised of 7 people and they manage our Facebook group and someone is always around to help if you need it.

Here you can find some FREE SAMPLES to download:

Art of the Antiquities
Art of the Antiquities

HAED Originals
HAED Originals

Miscellaneous Material Packs
Miscellaneous Material Packs

Ready to Ship Material Packs
Ready to Ship Material Packs

Afremov, Leonid
Afremov, Leonid

Allain, Jessica
Allain, Jessica

Allen, Tom
Allen, Tom

Anderson, Rachel
Anderson, Rachel

Ashwood, Brigid
Ashwood, Brigid

Bartholet, David
Bartholet, David

Beard Jr., Ed
Beard Jr., Ed

Becket Griffith, Jasmine
Becket Griffith, Jasmine

Bergsma, Jody
Bergsma, Jody

Biertempfel, Renee
Biertempfel, Renee

Bird, Charlotte
Bird, Charlotte

Bogle, Lee
Bogle, Lee

Bowser, Jonathan Earl
Bowser, Jonathan Earl

Brennan, Pat
Brennan, Pat

Bromley, Joanna
Bromley, Joanna

Broome, Marianne
Broome, Marianne

Brown, Amy
Brown, Amy

Browne, James
Browne, James

Butcher, Sara
Butcher, Sara

Butler, Tracy
Butler, Tracy

Buziak, Cari
Buziak, Cari

Camprubi, Krystal
Camprubi, Krystal

Carlin, Neilson
Carlin, Neilson

Carlos, Rob
Carlos, Rob

Carlson, Steven Paul
Carlson, Steven Paul

Cavalaris, Carol
Cavalaris, Carol

Christensen, Cindy
Christensen, Cindy

Christensen, James C.
Christensen, James C.

Claire, Jill
Claire, Jill

Clyne, Sue
Clyne, Sue


Cross, Tom
Cross, Tom

Dahlig, Marta
Dahlig, Marta

Daniel, Kevin
Daniel, Kevin

Daniels, Ian
Daniels, Ian

Dauenhauer, Charity
Dauenhauer, Charity

Davison, Dominic
Davison, Dominic

Dawe, Alexandra
Dawe, Alexandra

Dawn, Melissa
Dawn, Melissa

Del Rio, Raul
Del Rio, Raul

DellaGrottaglia, Jena
DellaGrottaglia, Jena

Delon, Melanie
Delon, Melanie

Delyth, Jen
Delyth, Jen

Dertner, Erin
Dertner, Erin

Designs By Katt
Designs By Katt

Desimini, Lisa
Desimini, Lisa

Dillman, Meredith
Dillman, Meredith

Dittman, Anna
Dittman, Anna

Down, Chris
Down, Chris

Escher, M.C.
Escher, M.C.

Evans, Ash
Evans, Ash

Evans, Ash

Fain, Julie
Fain, Julie

Faulkner, Nancy
Faulkner, Nancy

Fedorova, Tatiana
Fedorova, Tatiana

Fenech, Selina
Fenech, Selina

Fitchett, Gordon
Fitchett, Gordon

Fitzsimons, Morgan
Fitzsimons, Morgan

Garmashova, Irina
Garmashova, Irina

Gavrilov, Oleg
Gavrilov, Olegze="3">
Gavrilova, Alexandra
Gavrilova, Alexandra

Gayford, Stephen
Gayford, Stephen

Gelsinger, Dona
Gelsinger, Dona

Gerhardt, Cherie (Mystic Moon Media)
Gerhardt, Cherie (Mystic Moon Media)

Giana, Alan
Giana, Alanze="3">
Gilbert, Yvonne
Gilbert, Yvonne

Golledge, Penny
Golledge, Penny

Grandjean, Christy
Grandjean, Christy

Gyseman, Suzanne
Gyseman, Suzanne

Harai, Kayomi
Harai, Kayomi

Harkness, Claire
Harkness, Claire

Harrison, Molly
Harrison, Molly

Hawks, Carrie
Hawks, Carrie

Hayes, Michael
Hayes, Michael

Haynie, Jeff
Haynie, Jeff

Hess, Christina
Hess, Christina

Heyer, Carol
Heyer, Carol

Hoffrichter, David
Hoffrichter, Davide="3">
Hurst, Sharon
Hurst, Sharon

Ivory, Lesley
Ivory, Lesley

Jacobs, Kim
Jacobs, Kim

Jelina, Myka`
Jelina, Myka`

Jetses, Cornelis
Jetses, Cornelise="3">
Johnson, Howard David
Johnson, Howard David

Kai, Annya
Kai, Annya

Kathleen, Wendy
Kathleen, Wendy

Kendrick, Lane
Kendrick, Lane

Ketner, Jeremiah
Ketner, Jeremiahe>
Khan, Rose
Khan, Rose

Kimpel, Drazenka
Kimpel, Drazenka

Koukiotis, Katerina
Koukiotis, Katerina

Krasny, Jan Patrik
Krasny, Jan Patrik

Kuck, Sandra
Kuck, Sandra

Kuik, Ching-Chou
Kuik, Ching-Chou

Lamb Shannon, Kay
Lamb Shannon, Kay


Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun
Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun

Lazareva, Alena
Lazareva, Alenae

Levin, Alex
Levin, Alex

Little Fairy Art
Little Fairy Art

Lorenz, Richard
Lorenz, Richard

Lorienne, Adele
Lorienne, Adele

Lusk, BK
Lusk, BK

Lynch, Jo
Lynch, Jo

Lynn, Hannah
Lynn, Hannahe="3">

Manoccia, Adriano
Manoccia, Adriano

Marchetti, Ciro
Marchetti, Ciro

Marie, Joan
Marie, Joan

Markegard, Tammara
Markegard, Tammara

Marks, Rachel
Marks, Rachel

Mastrangelo, Judy
Mastrangelo, Judy

McArdle, Thaneeya
McArdle, Thaneeya

Miller, Sue
Miller, Sue

Mills, Kirstin
Mills, Kirstin="3">
Moon, Ora
Moon, Ora

Morita, Haruyo
Morita, Haruyo

Morrissey, Dean
Morrissey, Dean

Morrow, Carla
Morrow, Carla

Nichol, Janelle
Nichol, Janelle

Nielsen, Zindy
Nielsen, Zindy

Nixon, Arden Ellen
Nixon, Arden Ellen

Ortega, Cris
Ortega, Cris

Parker, Ed
Parker, Ed

Parker, Lisa
Parker, Lisa

Patterson, Gary
Patterson, Gary

Pauline, Sarah
Pauline, Sarah

Penfound, David
Penfound, David

Pettit, Myrea
Pettit, Myrea

Phelan, Ravynne
Phelan, Ravynne

Pinkney, Myles
Pinkney, Myles

Plank, Bill
Plank, Bill

Portella, Roser
Portella, Roser

Powell, John
Powell, John

Powell, Kate
Powell, Kate

Prindle, Laurie
Prindle, Laurie

Pritchard, Geoff
Pritchard, Geoff

Prosvirina, Janna
Prosvirina, Janna

Ravenscroft, Linda
Ravenscroft, Linda

Rayyan, Omar
Rayyan, Omar

Rayyan, Sheila
Rayyan, Sheila="3">
Rich, Sabine
Rich, Sabine

Roberts, Steven A
Roberts, Steven A

Rosario, Teri
Rosario, Teri

Russell, Andy
Russell, Andy="3">
Sanderson, Ruth
Sanderson, Ruth

Santara, Sandra
Santara, Sandra

Sarnat, Marjorie
Sarnat, Marjorie

Schimmel, Schim
Schimmel, Schim

Schlick, Bente
Schlick, Bente

Schmidt, Cynthia
Schmidt, Cynthia

Seed, Lee Anne
Seed, Lee Anne

Senkarik, Mikki
Senkarik, Mikki

Shannon, John
Shannon, John="3">
Shasky, Jane
Shasky, Jane

Spangler, Randal
Spangler, Randal

Spokes, Alison
Spokes, Alison="3">
Stegg, Annie
Stegg, Annie

Steinke, Lisa
Steinke, Lisa

Stewart, Aimee
Stewart, Aimee

Stewart, Lars
Stewart, Lars

Stewart, Matt
Stewart, Matt

Stokes, Anne
Stokes, Anne

Straub, Philip
Straub, Philip

Strelkina, Nadia
Strelkina, Nadia

Szabo, Gabriella
Szabo, Gabriella

Tallamy, Rachael
Tallamy, Rachael="3">
Tate, Nadia
Tate, Nadia

Tcherevkoff, Michel
Tcherevkoff, Michel

The Vintage Angel
The Vintage Angel

Thompson, Mary
Thompson, Mary

Thompson, Ruth
Thompson, Ruth

Togel, Conni
Togel, Conni

Toland Scott, Tiffany
Toland Scott, Tiffany

Tso, Linda
Tso, Linda

Vacher, Christophe
Vacher, Christophe

VanDenBerg, Babette
VanDenBerg, Babette="3">
Victoria, Lisa
Victoria, Lisa

VonStetina, Laura
VonStetina, Laura

Wall, Josephine
Wall, Josephine

Warren, Jim
Warren, Jim

Weils, Jane Starr
Weils, Jane Starr

Weiss, John
Weiss, John

Welker, Elizabeth
Welker, Elizabeth

Whitney, Tisha
Whitney, Tisha

Wilkie, Jeff
Wilkie, Jeff="3">
Williams, L.A.
Williams, L.A.

Winkler, Fred
Winkler, Fred

Winnel, Bec
Winnel, Bec

Wolstenholme, Jonathan
Wolstenholme, Jonathan

Wooster Scott, Jane
Wooster Scott, Jane="3">
Yerka, Jacek
Yerka, Jacek

Zielinska, Gracjana
Zielinska, Gracjana